giosg Blog

Read our blog posts for expert tips on how to optimize your e-commerce store and improve customer experience.

9 Automotive Chatbot Use Cases to Increase Sales!

Posted by Daniela Puyos, on 14 May, 2024

Do you want to take your automotive eCommerce game to the next level? Good! Because I am about to tell you everything I know about automotive chatbots! Purchasing a car is a big move, so you want to m...

Telecom Chatbot Ultimate Guide: 4 Use Cases & Advantages

Posted by Daniela Puyos, on 25 April, 2024

If you want to level up your telecommunication platform by creating meaningful interactions with your customers, it is time you integrate a telecom chatbot into your website. The conversational AI wor...

18 Best Chatbot Builders in 2024

Posted by, on 29 February, 2024

Ready to cut your research in half by finding all the best chatbot builders in one place? Look no further than up and down this page. You may be wondering why you need a list of the best chatbot build...

9 Best Enterprise Chatbot Platforms in 2024

Posted by Nea Mikkola, on 29 February, 2024

Having an efficient enterprise bot is essential for any company looking to stay ahead of the curve. These conversational AI platforms are not just about answering FAQs - they're about providing person...

What is an AI Chatbot? Here's Everything You Need to Know

Posted by Jade Ventoniemi, on 22 February, 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) is here for the long haul and is making leaps and bounds in how it can optimize business processes. You never know, AI chatbots could be the next solution to make you go, ...

AI Chatbot vs Rule-based Chatbot: Which is the Smarter Choice for Your Business?

Posted by Ida Sundstedt, on 19 December, 2023

It has hardly escaped anyone that artificial intelligence, or as it is shortened; AI, is a buzzword right now. There is a lot of information on the subject, and we have become accustomed to headlines ...

The Future of Engagement: Chatbots for Customer Service

Posted by Ric Hawkins, on 25 August, 2023

Customer interactions with businesses are always evolving. And now chatbot technologies are providing a whole new level of customer service. Chatbots for customer service can help companies provide pe...

How to design your chatbot personality that fits your business

Posted by Jenna Bunnell, on 29 February, 2024

Chatbots have evolved from merely functional tools. Now, chatbots are brand ambassadors. They are used in every sector—from e-commerce to gaming. A chatbot can significantly impact the customer experi...

6 Ways to Use Chatbots to Increase Sales

Posted by Vanja Maganjic, on 15 February, 2024

Chatbots are great tools for communicating with users, leads, customers, and anyone in between. They can help you build relationships with your audience, quickly answer questions and increase your sal...