Giosg Newsroom

Giosg offers customers unlimited live chat users

Written by | 27-Mar-2020 10:52:00

Note: This was first published in 2020. The offer is no longer valid.

Due to the exceptional circumstances in Europe and the rest of the world, businesses are being forced to move all their services online, putting pressure on customer support and sales teams. In an effort to help businesses, Giosg has decided to offer free unlimited live chat licenses for all their existing customers until the end of April.

“We want to do our part to help businesses provide their customers with the best possible online service, during this unfortunate time. Offering unlimited chat users allows our customers to be more efficient while operating remotely. It’s a small gesture on our part, but we hope it takes some strain away from our customers.” says Peter Björkqvist, CRO for giosg 

Unlimited licenses were automatically activated for all giosg customers in March and due to last a month. The offer has now been extended until April 30th, 2020. 

“The response from our customers has been very positive. It has been great to see our customers’ digital services and channels growing, despite the current circumstances.” says Laura Leskinen, Head of Customer Engagement for giosg.

For further information, please chat with us on

Note from editor: This campaign was live from March until April 2020 and has since ended.

About Giosg:
Giosg offers businesses digital tools for diverse, personalised and creative ways to interact with their online visitors and customers. By combining data, AI technology and human engagement, we help our customers create meaningful interactions, serve more efficiently and grow their business.